[May 13, 2017] Factionsmah against the VS (Jaeger)


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Squad/Class Leader
OK guys the second factionsmash is fast approaching and is scheduled for the 13th May 18:00 UTC. We are expecting to be playing on Hossin for approximately 2 hours, with people expected to turn up 30-45 minutes early to get account's setup.

As with our previous smash, we have been asked to supply 8 player's for a squad with 2-4 backup players who could be called up should number's need to be increased or if people pull out.

If you are interested, please respond to this post here or send a personal tell to either Aggro, dna, Nic or me. We will work on a first-come, first-served notice.

Any question's post them in here.

Confirmed players
1) dnaRIP (PL)
2) Aggropatics (SL)
3) ShiftyFred
4) PastryKing
5) TheRiddic4
6) Taishicii
7) xStarmanx
8) EldestGrump
9) Frozenbones

The next few evenings we will be having factionsmash bootcamp events hosted for all interested players (especially if you're on team).

This week: - Tuesday - live OPS at 1800utc/2000cest. Anyone welcome at UFOs teamspeak as we'll be running a bootcamp platoon (ts.ufo-gaming.com). I probably won't be on, but if someone has S/L that night please hop over to the UFO's TS and try to cooperate with them.

Wednesday - live OPS at 1800utc/2000cest - The same as above.

Thursday - Advanced training on Jaeger (smash) server at 1700utc/1900cest Most likely scrim if enough people show up, else advanced shooting session. Gather on ts.ufo-gaming.com Don't be shy if you haven't done it before - consider it an excellent opportunity to hone your killing skills; only requirement is teamspeak and a brain.

Friday - time tbd - account distribution and lane walktrough - ONLY for factionsmash team @dnaRIP, @Aggropatics. Gather on ts.PlanetsideBattles.org

Saturday - last smash preparations. Match starts at 1800utc/2000cest - If you're on team-roster you NEED to be there 1h BEFORE. (Reserves start replacing at 30 mins before match unless your SL/PL are notified of your late arrival) - There might be slots for last minute reserves; If you have time, be on PSB teamspeak (ts.PlanetsideBattles.org).

Even if you're not playing, you can watch the stream and glorious fights on https://www.twitch.tv/planetsidebattles(edited)
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Active Member
Squad/Class Leader
BRTD Member
Sorry guys, I thought the next smash would be on a sunday again. Next saturday is the birthday of my sister in law, so I wont be able to play the game.