[Jul 15, 2017] Scrim Bootcamp (jaeger)


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Squad/Class Leader
Bootcamp is officially starting

Fallout over at UFO's is planning to organise entry level jaeger scrims for interested outfits.

Outfits can try and field a full 12-man team (and be pitted against similarly experienced 12-man teams if possible).

The other way of doing this, we'll simply collect interested people across outfits/factions for a certain date, mix and equalize teams and peeps can start shooting.

Before match start, fresher players can partake in a short shooting tips session under guide of a saltwork vet.

Each participating outfit should have 2 reps that pool people inside this room pls, so we have easy and direct line and failsafes of communication. - ABOVE ALL ELSE, be sure to be respectful of one another and keep your players in-line during matches. Don't cause drama and measure dicks, there will be other opportunities for that rather soon. Without further ado, start filling out the document and let's get this shit started. Given there is more interest than expected, GOAL IS TO HAVE 1st EVENT HAPPENING SATURDAY, 15th, cca 1900cest.


G-Doc for signups.

I'd recommend signing up in here and then an officer will update the G-Doc


Active Member
I'm aware that I've missed the date for this but I figured I'd post here to show ongoing interest. Always happy to shoot folk on Jaeger.